The consequences of One Child Policy

A baby abandoned on the streets of China.  Photo found

  • Forced Abortion:  China has the highest abortion rates in the world.  Accorrding to the Chinese health officials, there are 13 million abortion each year(5) A report done in 2003 by The World Health Organiztion and the Guttmacher Institute revealed that there are 42 million abortions worldwide and 9 million from China (5).
Image of Stats found at: theepochtimes

    • Forced Steralization:  Forced Steralization such as IUD are inserted into a women when she gives birth to her first child against her will.  Forced Steralization are often done by people with little trainings and sometimes women will become ill and develop health problems. 

    • Gendercide:  Ultrasound technologies are often used to determine the sex and most of the time the female fetus will be terminated.  Although sex-selective abortions have been banned in 1994, it is still practiced through out China.  Girls are aborted or killed right after birth because of prefence for boys.  Because of the practice of sex selective abortions, there are about 100 million missing girls in the world and 44 million are from China(1).

    • Abandonment:  Millions of baby girls are dumped each year in orphanages, on the streets, or on door steps of random houses.  Some babies are picked up and sent to orphanages; some are left to die out in the streets.  Abandonment of baby girls are common in China because of the strict rules of China's One Child Policy.  

    • Sex Trafficking:  Due to shortage of women, women are kidnapping, sold into sex trafficking or as a bride.  According to the article, The Worldwide War... “The crime rate has almost doubled in China during the past 20 years of rising sex ratios, with stories abounding of bride abduction, the trafficking of women, rape and prostitution”(8).

    • Suicide in women:  Many Chinese women often are traumatized and suffer depression from the loss of a child due to forced abortions, abandonment, or infanticide of their baby girls.  This may likely be the reason behind so many suicide of women in China.  "China's has one of the highest rates of suicide of women in the reproductive years (4).

    • Unbalanced sex ratio: The unbalanced sex ratio is one of the main consequences that China is currently facing today.  According to BMJ article, there are between 103 and 107 males for every 100 females (6).  Moreover, there are 32 million more males under the age of 20 than are females ( 6).