Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: What is China's One Child Policy? 
A: The One Child Policy is a family planning policy which limits couples to have only one child. 

Q: Why did the One Child Policy started?
A: To control China's growth population. China is one of the most populated countries in the world, over one billion people. If the population kept growing rapidly, this can lead to shortage of food, water, job opportunities, education and basic needs.

Q: When did the One Child Policy started?
A:  The One Child Policy was introduced in 1979 by the Chinese government.

Q:  Who is affected by the One Child Policy?
A:  Girls, women, men, and boys of China. 

Q:  Why do the Chinese prefer having a boy than a girl?
A:  In the Chinese culture, males have higher social status and are considered more valuable than females.  Couples believe that boys will give them security, continue the family name, earn more money, and will care for them when they get old.  As for girls, they are going to marry into the husband’s family and take care of his family. Therefore, most couples desires to have a son (8).

Q: What are the punishments for breaking the One Child Policy?
A:  Couples will be pay heavy fines, forced abortion, forced steralization.

Q: Do China required all women to use contraception? 
A:  China requires women to use contraception.  In most cases IUD’s are put in right after birth to prevent another pregnancy and couples that have two or more children are forced to get sterilized.  The most used contraception in China is IUD and sterilization.  If the contraception fails, this will result an abortion (9).  

Q: What are the rewards for obeying the One Child Policy?
A:  Couples are required to have a permit “birth permission paper,” to be able to have another child.  They will bring that permit to the hospital when it’s time for delivery.  Couples that follow the One Child Policy will be rewarded a “Birth Planning Honor Card,” and receive higher standard of education, health care and food (3). 

Q:  Is the One Child Policy going to continue?
A:  Yes, it is going to continue but a two policy is under consideration because of raising crime rates, abortions, sucides, and unbalance sex ratio.